Last Sun
day afternoon, my husband and I went out to go-see a puppy I wanted so much to buy. Instead of a puppy, we bought home some steak. This is how I discovered this simple pleasurable that a foodie will surely treasure...
After visiing the puupy, we chanced upon a small shop that had a banner that advertises its product: steak. I wouldn't have been too keen on checking the place out if not for the other printed line on the banner: aged beef. Now that's one uncommon thing in meat shops so I got interested. Seeing the size of the place, you might have some reservations in entering it, but darling, don't be deceive by its front. Inside this cramped space of a shop is the most tender beef you'll chance upon in Manila.
Prime Beef Company is located in Quezon City. I do not know how this shop has been kept quiet for so long. Their clients include top hotels and restaurants and people who know quality. The company's products are all aged beef, mostly cuts used for steak (tenderloin, striploin, ribeye and sirloin) but they also have burger patties, corned beef and ribs. Their meats are well-marbled with fat. They are their own supplier of Australian cattle and butcher so quality is really a thing with this shop.
Oh, I know the question on your mind right now, what the heck is aged beef? Well, I didn't know what exactly it meant the first time I encountered it. This wasn't taught in culinary school although having the background helps you understand the basic idea of this aged beef concept.
Actually, aged beef is just beef kept for a certain amount of time under a controlled environment. This ensures the tenderness of the beef and (they claim) improves the intensity of flavor.
We bought a prime rib steak and some herb-crusted striploin roast from the shop. I wanted to see if the claim to tenderness and better flavor has any real foundation. So as not to tamper with the flavor, I seasoned the steak with just salt and pepper and seared it on both sides until it was just pinkish inside: a perfect medium rare. We proceeded to eat this sumptuous looking piece of meat with loaded mashed taters and corn. Man, it was really good! By just the first bite, you'll know it was good quality beef! Your teeth just sinks into the meat and the juices just bursts into your mouth. It wasn't too beefy nor does it have any of the strong smell that you get from beef bought from other shops. It was really tender and full of juices. You can even overcook it and it still stays tender (my husband tried over doing a piece in the microwave and it ended up still tender but it didn't help with the flavor though).
Okay now I've praised the product, what about the price you say... The price generally is much higher, actually almost double than your regular meat but there is a reason for it. When you age the beef it loses some of its water (therefore intensifying the flavor) thereby losing some of its weight. Yes, this pleasurable does come with a high price but consider also that you can only find the same quality of steak in fine dining restaurants which end up pricier than cooking your own steak.
So the next time you want to spend a mint in any fine dining place for a steak, opt to visit Prime Beef Company and just cook your own. You are going to spend quite a bit but you still end up paying less and you get to eat more of that fine steak.
For those who wish to know:
Prime Beef Company is located in Kamias Road Extension, Quezon City
After visiing the puupy, we chanced upon a small shop that had a banner that advertises its product: steak. I wouldn't have been too keen on checking the place out if not for the other printed line on the banner: aged beef. Now that's one uncommon thing in meat shops so I got interested. Seeing the size of the place, you might have some reservations in entering it, but darling, don't be deceive by its front. Inside this cramped space of a shop is the most tender beef you'll chance upon in Manila.
Prime Beef Company is located in Quezon City. I do not know how this shop has been kept quiet for so long. Their clients include top hotels and restaurants and people who know quality. The company's products are all aged beef, mostly cuts used for steak (tenderloin, striploin, ribeye and sirloin) but they also have burger patties, corned beef and ribs. Their meats are well-marbled with fat. They are their own supplier of Australian cattle and butcher so quality is really a thing with this shop.
Oh, I know the question on your mind right now, what the heck is aged beef? Well, I didn't know what exactly it meant the first time I encountered it. This wasn't taught in culinary school although having the background helps you understand the basic idea of this aged beef concept.
Actually, aged beef is just beef kept for a certain amount of time under a controlled environment. This ensures the tenderness of the beef and (they claim) improves the intensity of flavor.
We bought a prime rib steak and some herb-crusted striploin roast from the shop. I wanted to see if the claim to tenderness and better flavor has any real foundation. So as not to tamper with the flavor, I seasoned the steak with just salt and pepper and seared it on both sides until it was just pinkish inside: a perfect medium rare. We proceeded to eat this sumptuous looking piece of meat with loaded mashed taters and corn. Man, it was really good! By just the first bite, you'll know it was good quality beef! Your teeth just sinks into the meat and the juices just bursts into your mouth. It wasn't too beefy nor does it have any of the strong smell that you get from beef bought from other shops. It was really tender and full of juices. You can even overcook it and it still stays tender (my husband tried over doing a piece in the microwave and it ended up still tender but it didn't help with the flavor though).
Okay now I've praised the product, what about the price you say... The price generally is much higher, actually almost double than your regular meat but there is a reason for it. When you age the beef it loses some of its water (therefore intensifying the flavor) thereby losing some of its weight. Yes, this pleasurable does come with a high price but consider also that you can only find the same quality of steak in fine dining restaurants which end up pricier than cooking your own steak.
So the next time you want to spend a mint in any fine dining place for a steak, opt to visit Prime Beef Company and just cook your own. You are going to spend quite a bit but you still end up paying less and you get to eat more of that fine steak.
For those who wish to know:
Prime Beef Company is located in Kamias Road Extension, Quezon City